Wednesday 21 February 2018

You have.

You have my love as you work today.
You have my love as I walk away.
You have my love when go to bed.
You have my love with messages unread.
You have my love far or near
You have my love I thought that was clear.
You have my love through tears and pain.
You have my love when I've nothing to gain.
I will hold you in my heart, you're my one.
Even when hope of having you is gone.
As I leave your life to heal my own
Look at just how much you've grown.
You need me no more you're free to fly
Spread your wings and soar through the sky.
I can't fly with you, you've left me behind.
Saying you still love me just to be kind.
It's okay my love I understand.
I know you're not being underhand.
But I have to leave it hurts too bad
I know I said I'd endure but I'm sad.
Know that forever and a day
If you look back and smile my way.
I'll be here and I'll take you back, just trust
In a heartbeat as you know I must.
But for now you've chosen away from me.
And it's killing my heart though you can't see.
So I have to leave, have to turn away.
But you have all my love as you live your way.

Thursday 6 July 2017

Who love is

Love does not mean freedom
Love does not mean choice.
Love for you means bondage
And in those chains rejoice.
Love is never equal.
Love is never blind.
Know your place and keep it
That's the truth you'll find.
Love is pure control.
Love watches all the time
Love will tie you down
Does this sound sublime?
Love, she wants to gag you
Love, she wants to mark
Love, she needs to harm you
Love, she is the spark.
She fires you up, she thrills you.
She shows you who you are
Untamed she is and ruthless.
You know she's never far.
She found you hiding
In the corners of his mind
She's never letting go now
As you leave him far behind.

Sunday 20 September 2015


Before the sun warmed the earth
You were the warmth in me.
Before the moon bathed in the oceans.
You were immersed in me.
Before the lion was king of the jungle
You were the animal in me.
Before humans conquered the skies.
You were my wings and helped me fly.
Before the first gardener planted a seed.
You were taking root in me.
Before structures of stone were built by hand
You were the tower I lived within.
Before the first touch of skin
You were touching me.
Before the first cry for help
You were there for me.
Before love songs were written
You were my melody.
Before stories and rhymes
You were poetry to me.

After the darkening sun
You will still be the warmth in me
After the oceans dry up
You will still be swimming in me.
After the last animal leaves the earth
You will still roar within me.
After the last plane lands one final time
You will still hold the secret of flight.
After the last tree withers and dies.
You will still be rooted in me.
After the last buildings crumbles like sand.
You will be the castle I live within.
After the very last touch
You will cover me.
After the last cry is muted.
You will be there with me.
After the last song is sung
You will sing with me.
After the last story is told
We will still have a tale to tell.

From the beginning to the end
From before everything to after.
From the moon to the earth
From love to disaster
You are always with me
You are me, my twin flame.
We burn from the first
We burn until the last.
We are always this moment
We are always eternal
We do not have a start.
We will not have an end.
We have never been apart
Time and space do not exist to us.
You are the breath within
I am the breath without.
Separation does not happen
We simply exist as one.

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Everything she sought.

She could not walk another mile, 
She couldn't walk another inch.
No one warned her it would be so hard.
Or that her shoes would start to pinch.
She laid her shoes upon the grass
To give her feet some ease
Took out her heart to lay at the side
And she fell down to her knees. 

The shoes they sat there 
And her feet indeed felt better. 
The heart it flopped there beating
Making the grass just red, and wetter.
The problems of the heart, it seems
Are complex, unlike feet.
Maybe we should take more care
Whom we let our poor hearts meet.

If she put the shoes back on, keep walking.
Could she rise above it all? 
Or watch her heart until it stopped
And answer oblivion's call.
Until this day she'd listened hard
To all the guidance given.
She held the space and loved him daily
Thinking that she was living.

She wondered could she leave it
On the bloody sodden ground
And if she did, she pondered
Would it matter if it was found?
No one could trample it more
Than it had already been,
No one could show it pain 
Like it had already seen.

She had not been a worthy vessel
She was not able and she knew now
To carry all the lessons
She simply did not know how.
Powerless she was. Hopeless.
Lost in the dark mire of this single thought
That never was she good enough.
For everything she sought

Monday 11 May 2015


We are always together, So why all this pain? We're always at one What's the end gain? We share this same soul So why not the same space We are one perfect energy But not in this place... We are working together From a different home We share the same goals So why walk alone? We started as one We split to learn more We endure separation that burns to our core. We've tried walking away As fast as we can We never succeed Cos you know - divine plan. Resist if you like You have freedom, you know But just listen a moment If you really must go. You cannot escape Inevitable truth won't be missed You cannot fight destiny So why do you resist? It isn't a prison It isn't a cage They are not chains Why do you rage? Let go of all Let go of drama Heal if you must All of your karma. But remember who you are Remember it fast Link to the future Link to the past. We are here in the now We are everywhere We hold all in love There's nothing to fear. So will you keep walking Or are you running away Giving up on your love Or stand true every day? Come... stand by me Together we heal It's part of the path It's part of the deal... I love you the most Every soul by my side But I love you the most My twin - do not hide.

Saturday 14 March 2015


She was a shadow of herself,
She was the shadow in herself.
She was shadow,

Do you hear me, I'm really not so bad,
The voice inside that makes you think you're mad.
Do you hear the things I whisper in the dark,
Do you heed me or think me like a shark....
Dark deadly killer of the deep,
Voice that wakes you from your sleep.

I know you've been taught to fear,
I know you think the cost of heeding would be dear.
I know your thoughts, I sift them all
And dance on your pain, it's quite a ball.
I know you think that to listen would be wrong,
Like countless sailors dying to a siren song.

But think on me for just a while,
Am I really full of guile?
Am I really the thing you should shut out
Or am I a healthy voice of doubt...
I hide behind, that much is true,
But is it to harm, or to protect you?

In the deep, deep dark of the night,
Where there is no bright sunlight.
I warn you of the things that hide,
I nudge you ''Walk faster'' I turn the tide.
Without the shadow in your head,
Can you say you wouldn't be dead?

I'm all about the balance in you.
I'm not so bad and I'm always true.
I may not be welcome all the time.
But I am often needed for a sign.
I whisper to you of the shadow in others,
Be they friends, be they family or even lovers.

I am the shadow you seek to destroy
But was I the one who killed your joy?
I am the shadow you seek to blame
But was I really the creator of your game?
I am the shadow, fear me and fall
Or embrace me and know, I come because you call.

She was a shadow of herself,
The shadow within and without..
She was shadow and she too had a purpose.

Friday 16 January 2015

The dance, it dances on.

Every love song ever written
A broken twin flame heart
Every blooded wine glass on the floor
Is twin souls torn apart

Every tavern room brawl
A cry of the twin flame soul
Each love ending in agony
A swan song we know of old.

We stand as front line soldiers
In all the wars you wage
We've danced the tragic dance
As your history turns another page.

We watched you slaughter children
In the name of gods that we don't know
We joined you as they gasped their last
We helped you deal that blow.

We walked alone and wondered
Why we didn't understand
We cried in our emptiness
We died alone in every land.

Every ocean holds our tears
Every forest tree grows from our bones
Every cornerstone of all your towns
Everything you will ever own.

We built them all with you
We tore them down as well
We helped you design a paradise
And we helped you build your hell.

Every human emotion
Is a story we have told
Every beating heart
Is a passion warm and bold.

We know everything about you
Every flaw you try to hide
We know the things that move you
And we watch you brush your heart aside.

We've learned so many things
We split ourselves to take on more
We want to help to raise you
We want you off the floor.

We want to see you flying
We want you bright and strong
We want the best for you
It's what we wanted all along.

So now again we stand here
Once more we are at the start
A vanguard of a different kind
To point you to your heart.

We stood alone together.
We stood alone as one
We sang songs to lift you
But soon we will be gone.

We are the very nature of life
Twin flames split in two
We're everything you love and hate
We are the same as you.

But we want our reunion
We want back what we are
We will not linger here for long
We will be your guiding star.

The twin flame dance is all but done
The learning is all around
As we return to one now
Each twin flame has been found.

So it's time for us to walk away From all the anger and violence Our love is unconditional As you return to innocence.